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Our Funds' Purposes

Thank you for honoring and memorializing your family and friends by donating to Temple Concord! Contributions to funds are considered income to the Temple and are used on an as-needed or annual basis for the purposes set forth in the creation of the fund.

To learn more about the purpose set forth for each of our funds, click the category name to expand each of the sections below. Once you have reviewed and selected a fund to donate toward, click on the Make a Contribution button below to make your donation.



General Operating Fund
A Fund to Support Temple Concord.


Alexander Saul Landscaping Fund
For the care, upkeep, and landscaping of the Temple Grounds.

Benjamin M. Berinstein Memorial Chapel Fund
For the needs of the Berinstein Chapel.

Building & Cemetery Improvement Fund
To provide funds for the improvement of the Temple and its Cemetery.

Bronstein Family Building Fund
To support the enhancement and maintenance of the Temple Facilities.

Sam Fromer Memorial Fund
Support for the move from 910 Madison Street.

Dr. Kris Kratzert and Dr. Jerome E. Alderman Youth Fellowship Fund
Provides scholarships for the children of Temple members who wish to participate in NFTY camping programs and regional conclaves.

Lorraine Sher Religious School Enhancement Fund
For the purpose of bringing performers to the Religious School students in presentations that will supplement their formal Jewish Education.

Jewish Education Fund
Income from the fund to provide financial assistance for children of Temple members to assist with their Jewish education.

Emanuel Rubenstein Education Fund
Offers funds to children of our congregation who need financial aid to meet higher educational expenses.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Used by the Rabbi for diverse charitable and worthy purposes.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Used by the Cantor for diverse charitable and worthy purposes.

Engel Family Grant
To provide funds for assistance or equipment to aid Congregants with special needs. Specifically, shall be used for programming, equipment, adaptive technology, or resources to aid congregants with special needs.

Lawrence H Gingold Handicapped Accessibility Fund
Income is used for a variety of things to make accessibility to worship easier for the handicapped/disabled, such as accessibility at the building/grounds, large print prayer books, audio equipment for hearing, a person to do signing, video-related items/technology to improve visibility for those in attendance, or at home via zoom.

Temple Concord Endowment Fund
Income to be used to maintain, develop, and expand the religious, cultural, educational, social, and philanthropic activities of the congregation; to expand or renovate Temple facilities and to meet emergency requirements of the congregation.

Food For Friends Fund
Donations to support local food pantries.

Keren Ami Fund
Support the Temple or any charity selected by the Temple Concord Students, with approval of the Cantor as Director of Education.

M.Y. & Ida G. Robinson Social Action Fund
Provides funds to support social and humanitarian causes within the Temple neighborhood or the greater community, with a special concern for poor and / or underrepresented people.

Ephrain Bodow Senior's Fund
To support Temple Seniors programs.

Harold A. & Muriel K. Manheim Leadership Fund
Income to promote Temple leadership training.

Irene Ezring Memorial Hanukkah Fund
Income enhances the congregations’ Annual Hanukkah Celebration and to provide holiday gifts for needy children in the Syracuse area.

Lois Arnold Gale Library Fund
For the purchase of books, periodicals, and audiovisual materials of Jewish interest.

Pierson Memorial Fund
Income used for the purposes of bringing in a guest scholar or speaker to address the congregation.

Regina F. Goldenberg Memorial Fund
Sponsor cultural events varied in content, scope, and venue, including speakers, authors, musicians, and entertainers.

Ruth & Paul Flah Adult Education Fund
To promote and implement adult education programs for congregants.

Samuel "Pat" Solomon Cultural Fund
For the cultural pursuits of the Temple.

Dorothea & Albert Gordon Torah Fund
To purchase and/or maintain the Temple's Torah Scrolls.

Gerald & Muriel Wiseman Flower Fund
To enhance the beauty of the sanctuary with flowers on the Sabbath or Jewish Holidays.

Music Fund
Supports the liturgical portion of our worship.

Prayer Book Fund
Purchase new Prayer Books and maintain current Prayer Books.

Rakov Museum Fund
For the purchase of rare Judaic ceremonial items.


Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785